Jasper Place and the Black Community – Then and Now
Donna Coombs-Montrose Few places in Edmonton had greater impact on the Black Community than Jasper Place earlier in the 20th century. The Black Community has
Donna Coombs-Montrose Few places in Edmonton had greater impact on the Black Community than Jasper Place earlier in the 20th century. The Black Community has
Paula E. Kirman and Brooke Leifso The New West Hotel was long a landmark in the Stony Plain Road area. Located at 15025 111 Avenue,
Denise Roy The corner of 156th Street and 100th Avenue is one of the many historically significant sites in the Jasper Place area. In addition
Jasper Place Hotel was opened in 1952, and was extensively renovated, and renamed as The Klondiker in 1967. In 1966, Joyce Smith and her band
The Saxony was a live venue, opening in 1966. It was the largest bar in Edmonton, with 1,000 people on the main floor. It featured
When built Jasper Place Sports Centre hosted large concerts to screaming teen masses. 1963 was a great year for a young rock and roll loving