Paula E. Kirman
When it comes to businesses in the Stony Plain Road area, The Flag Shop is often thought of as flagship. It is a unique destination business that is known throughout the city.

The Flag Shop originally opened in 1990 as a franchise located in a strip mall at 15507 Stony Plain Road. The franchise was purchased by Phyllis (a self-described “flag nerd”) and Clive Bright in 1994, with the store remaining in the same location.
The Brights also opened a second Flag Shop location in Calgary. In 2020, they merged the two shops to become The Flag Shop Alberta, now located at 15802 100th Avenue.
The Flag Shop specializes in custom flags and banners, as well as flagpoles, banner hardware, and other custom and promotional products, such as buttons, lanyards, and lapel pins. The store sells hundreds of national flags and banners, as well as team and corporate items.
According to several news reports, The Flag Shop was inundated with people buying Ukraine flags to show support for the country after it was invaded by Russia in February of 2022, selling as many as 250 of the flags within a week – something the shop had never before experienced. The owners also make inventory decisions based on their social consciences, which have strong anti-fascist leanings. For example, they refuse to stock Confederate flags.
The shop has provided flags and banners for a number of historic events, like Alberta’s Centennial in 2005, the 50th anniversary of Canada’s Maple Leaf flag in 2015, and Canada’s 150th anniversary in 2017. June always tends to be busy due to it being Pride month, as well as the lead-up to Canada Day on July 1. During major sports events, like the Oilers finally making it into the playoffs after many years in 2022, and the World Cup, The Flag Shop is often able to provide fans with flags for their favourite teams and countries.
Paula E. Kirman is a freelance writer who grew up, and still lives, near the Jasper Place area.
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